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Shiny reactive selectInput in R


I have an application shiny containing reactive data. I would like the application to select only non-empty columns for the X and Y axes. At the moment I choose between colnames(TD[,3:7]), but there are also empty values for columns, so I don't want these columns to show up for the variable selection. Below is an example and my code:

type <- as.character(c('summer','summer','summer','summer','winter','winter','winter','winter'))country <- as.character(c('A','A','B','B','A','A','B','B'))year <- c(2011,2012,2013,2014,2011,2012,2013,2014)col1 <- c(33,7,NA,NA,5,11,NA,NA)col2 <- c(10,3,NA,NA,8,15,NA,NA)col3 <- c(NA,NA,10,15,NA,NA,20,25)col4 <- c(NA,NA,8,5,NA,NA,22,16)TD <- data.frame(type,country,year,col1,col2,col3,col4,stringsAsFactors=FALSE)library(readxl)library(shiny)library(ggplot2)library(shinythemes)library(DT)ui <-shinyUI(fluidPage(pageWithSidebar(  headerPanel("Test App"),  sidebarPanel(    selectInput("type","Choose a type", choices = c("All",unique(TD$type))),    selectInput("country","Choose an country", choices = c("All",unique(TD$country))),    selectInput("yaxis", "Choose a y variable", choices = colnames(TD[,3:7])),    selectInput("xaxis", "Choose a x variable", choices = colnames(TD[,3:7])),    actionButton("goButton", "Update")  ),  mainPanel(    tabsetPanel(      tabPanel('Plot', plotOutput("plot1"))    )))))server <- shinyServer(function(input,output, session){  data1 <- reactive({    if(input$type == "All"){      TD    }    else{      TD[which(TD$type == input$type),]    }  })  data2 <- eventReactive(input$goButton,{    if (input$country == "All"){      TD    }else{      TD[which(TD$country == input$country),]    }  })  observe({    if(input$type != "All"){      updateSelectInput(session,"country","Choose a country", choices = c("All",unique(data1()$country)))    }    else if(input$country != 'All'){      updateSelectInput(session,"type","Choose a type", choices = c('All',unique(data2()$type)))    }    else if (input$type == "All"& input$country == "All"){      updateSelectInput(session,"country","Choose a country", choices = c('All',unique(TD$country)))      updateSelectInput(session,"type","Choose a type", choices = c('All',unique(TD$type)))    }  })  data3 <- eventReactive( input$goButton,{    req(input$goButton)    req(input$goButton)    if(input$country == "All"){      data1()    }    else if (input$type == "All"){      data2()    }    else if (input$country == "All"& input$type == "All"){      TD    }    else    {      TD[which(TD$country== input$country & TD$type == input$type),]    }  })  x_var<- eventReactive(input$goButton, {    input$xaxis  })  y_var <- eventReactive(input$goButton,{    input$yaxis  })  output$plot1 <- renderPlot({    x <- x_var()    y <- y_var()    p <- ggplot(data3(),aes(x=data3()[,x], y=data3()[,y])) + geom_line() + geom_point()    p + labs(x = x_var(), y = y_var()) + theme(plot.title = element_text(hjust = 0.5, size=20))  })})shinyApp(ui,server)

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